Uttalanden om EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik

Ordförandeskapsuttalande om bombattacken mot World Food Programmes kontor i Islamabad


The Presidency of the European Union strongly condemns today’s bombing of the World Food Programme’s headquarters in Islamabad and expresses its deepest condolences and solidarity with the families of the victims of the attack, as well as with the staff of the WFP and the UN system as a whole.

The Presidency is alarmed that the UN, for the first time ever, has become the target of a suicide attack in Islamabad. The Presidency takes it that the Government of Pakistan will take all necessary steps to swiftly apprehend the culprits behind this heinous crime and bring them to justice.

The WFP, together with the UN system, has carried out over many decades tireless efforts to assist the poor and the most vulnerable in Pakistan. WFP has provided substantial relief and rehabilitation to the Pakistani people, on behalf of the international community as well as the European Union, most recently to the inhabitants of the Malakand division and in North West Frontier Province.  

The Presidency finds it utterly unacceptable that a UN agency, whose humanitarian and development work benefits all Pakistanis, is made a target in this way.



05 oktober



  • Cecilia Julin

    UD:s kommunikationschef

    +46 8 405 57 25

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